Logs are due in



2024 DATES:

October 5th 0000 UTC to October 6th 2359 UTC



Logs are due by October 31. Click the link in the top bar to open a templated email with instructions for log submission.


Click here for a list of participating college and university clubs



What is the Collegiate QSO Party?


The Collegiate QSO Party is an operating event focused on amateur radio clubs at colleges and universities around the world. Each Fall, the Collegiate QSO Party provides an opportunity for clubs to demonstrate amateur radio to new members, engage with alumni, and promote activity throughout college and university communities.

Who is this event for?


This event is open to all radio amateurs. Points can be earned by individuals, clubs, and collegiate stations. The Collegiate QSO Party encourages alumni to connect with their alma mater and students to network with other schools. New hams are welcome and stations are encouraged to be accommodating to new radio amateurs.

What is a "collegiate station?"


For the purposes of this event, a collegiate is defined as students, faculty, staff, or alumni operating under the callsign assigned to the club registered at the college, university or other post-secondary academic institute. Collegiate clubs may operate on campus in the club station or setup in a public area (with permission) or off campus. Alumni/Faculty/Staff without an active student club who wish to “activate” their school may do so with the permission of the trustee of the collegiate club callsign and compete in this category.


Current students at schools without an participating amateur radio club may compete under their own callsign. Points will apply as a club station.



Be sure to check out the "Info Packet" PDF linked above for rules and more details on the Collegiate QSO Party.


Join the CARP Facebook group to follow college and university operations before and after the event!

Contact andy@gatorradio.org and tony@kd8rtt.com with any questions!